Scott’s Workbench


In this section of our website we will be providing a resource for users of Cable Prep tools to learn expert tips for maximizing tool performance and longevity.

Technician’s and managers alike have long recognized that Cable Prep tools are distinguished by the quality of the design and manufacturing details that go into them. Here we intend to further support professionals in the industry with insights on a range of topics, such as:

  • Tool Operation
  • Tool Maintenance
  • Tool Quality
  • Safety

What would you like to learn more about? As we begin to build and post searchable content here reflecting the most common concerns and questions we receive from our customers, we would welcome any input that you may wish to provide. We encourage you to give Scott a call at 860-526-4337, or simply send a note using the contact form below.

Give us your input:


    Meet Scott Crysler

    As Cable Prep’s OEM Sales Manager and Technical Consultant, Scott has been advising installers and purchasing managers for cable industry clients for over 35 years!

    What’s more, Scott has taken the lead role in the technical development of some of Cable Prep’s most innovative tool designs, such as the Cobra 360 compression tool, the CHT Heat Prep tool and the new FOC fiber optic cable stripping tool.

    No one knows better the quality that goes into our tools, and the performance you can expect from them!


    © Copyright 2024 Ben Hughes Communication Products Company. All rights reserved.

    Cable Prep, the Cable Prep logo, Tools You Trust, the Cable Prep Tools You Trust logo, the CPT logo, FOCUS, the FOCUS logo, Gator, the Gator logo, Super CPT and Wing Ding are registered and common law trademarks of Ben Hughes Communication Products Company.